Single women are the fastest growing segment of home buyers today. That is the good news. The bad news is it is harder for them to buy a home than married women, married men or single men. Why?
Forty percent (40%) of single women make below $30,000 a year. Less than married people or single men. Single women make only .56 cents for every $1 dollar made by married men.
Ten million single-parent households are headed by single women out of the 12.2 million total.
Yet for all of the struggles single women are facing in buying a home, they are still managing to do it. As Realtors we should be prepared to help them achieve this goal by being knowledgeable about their struggles and options, their financing and available programs, their fears and dreams.
I was raised by a single parent and still remember the day we moved into the house my mother bought. I was 15 years old and even then I knew what it meant to my mom to own her own home, brought about by her own achievements. On moving day the truck pulled into our new driveway and the driver commented that he assumed we would be downsizing our home because my mom was single and obviously couldn't afford to move up. He stated he was really surprised to see we were actually moving to a bigger house in a better neighborhood.
My mom glowed with pride and chuckled at the drivers obviously wrong stereotype of women.
I love to work with first time buyers, but to be honest, my deep satisfaction is helping a single mom buy that very first home.
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