The average sold price for a home in the city of Oshkosh in August was $128,234. It sold for 95.5% of its listed price and spent 160 days on the market. This was a reduction of three days on the market from 163 days in June. The total number of residential sales in the city for July was 102 a drop of 17 houses sold from July of 2007.
Homes selling under $100,000 made up 35.28% of the homes sold in July, with homes selling between $100,000 and $200,000 making up 47.13%. Homes selling about $200,000 made up 14.7% of all residential sold.
Of the 102 homes sold in July 60% had 3 bedrooms and 59% had 1 bathroom.
Looking ahead into August, the city of Oshkosh had 1,186 homes currently for sale. that number is down from the 1,215 homes in inventory at the beginning of July. That is an inventory decrease of 61 homes in August of 2007.
Daylight savings time is fun
It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I can look forward to a day of
marketing messages that include a reminder about daylight savings time. I
can count ...
1 day ago
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