The average sold price for a home in the city of Oshkosh in September was $140,613. It sold for 94.8% of its listed price and spent 179 days on the market. This was an increase of 47 days on the market from 132 days in August. In 2007 a house sold in Oshkosh for an average price of $144,551, sold for 93.9 of its list price and spent 165 days on the market.
The total number of residential sales in the city for September was 88, a drop of 12 houses sold from September of 2007. A monthly change from 117 homes sold in August.
Homes selling under $100,000 made up 34% of the homes sold in September, with homes selling between $100,000 and $200,000 making up 50%. Homes selling over $200,000 made up 16% of all residential sold.
Of the 114 homes sold in September 42% had 3 bedrooms and 48% had 2 bathrooms.
Into October, the city of Oshkosh had 1125 homes currently for sale. That number is down from the 1197 homes in inventory at the beginning of September and an inventory of 1227 homes listed at the beginning of October 2007.
Year over end Oshkosh is holding its own. Our home prices are only down .9% on average from September 2007, $140,613 vs. $144,551. Days on market increased by 14 but the home sold for a higher percentage listing price.
Our inventory of homes for sale continues to drop significantly. The 102 fewer homes on the market from last year is making the options for home buyers smaller. A home seller might see this drop as a great opportunity to take advantage of less competition.
Still, the tight credit market is a primary concern for both sellers and buyers. There are great mortgage programs available for all price ranges. Down payments still run the gamut as well. First time buyers can qualify for a 3.5% down programs, but you need pretty good credit to get a low interest rate.
F.I.C.O. scores of 750 are now the norm for the best rates. This DOES NOT mean you can't get a loan, it just may cost a little more. When things get better, and frankly they have to sometime, you can refinance into a lower rate.
Life goes on and changes continue. If you need to buy a house because you need more space or less space is now better, don't try to game the housing market. If now is your time, go for it.
Daylight savings time is fun
It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I can look forward to a day of
marketing messages that include a reminder about daylight savings time. I
can count ...
2 days ago
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