After much nashing of teeth and tearing of garments, the improved is up. With that done maybe I will have more time for blogging. Wouldn't that be novel.
A friend of mine emailed me today and suggested a new project to promote Oshkosh to other parts of the state, particularly those whose costs are much higher. The idea is to sell Oshkosh as a great, but less expensive place to live and potentially raise a family. Is it doable? Pennsylvania and Maryland are doing bang up jobs with their respected more expensive neighbors. Why couldn't we? Think about it.
So two items today:
1) new website - what do you think?
2) Live in Oshkosh - make sense?
Tell me.
Daylight savings time is fun
It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I can look forward to a day of
marketing messages that include a reminder about daylight savings time. I
can count ...
2 days ago
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